
This here page is a dream journal. Some dreams are boring, hopefully some are cool. I'll try my best to keep my favorites at the top of the page.

David Bowie Live

In this amazing dream I got to see David Bowie himself perform LIVE. He opened with a song called "3 Friends". Before doing his next song he introduced himself and then said: "Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for the human race!" And I LOST it, I've never cheered so loud in my life. Other things happend to but I don't want to take away from this part of the dream.

September 16, 2023


I was a swordsman. Deep under ground the government kept an alien in stasis. The alien looked a gnarled blue demon, but out of his hip sprung a body which looked like David Bowie, giving the whole alien's body a 'Y'-shape. The alien got loose and began wreaking havok. The reason why the government kept the alien frozen belown the ground was because this alien was supremely powerful and could predict the future. The future it predicted was it's own success at destroying the human race, first by encasing america in a block of ice, then by methodically picking off everyone else. However, the alien also predicted that it would not be able to reach this small town in South Africa, so it became a huge scramble for everyone to get there. The alien killed me by turning me into a gold skeleton, but I was able to come back as an undead and continue trying to save my family.

September 16, 2023

State of Emergency

I was at a university when sirens began to sound, indicating some disaster (based on students screaming and pointing to the sky, I could tell nuclear missiles were abound). As everyone seeked shelter, a voice narrarated the event, though instead of focusing on the main nuclear disaster, it focused on all of the small disasters occuring to individuals. "Tom, asleep, has just been abandond by his friends." "Will needs to hear the voice of his mother." "Mary has tripped and will not find shelter." "John has forgotten kindness."

August 21, 2023

Butterfly/"I Ain't Got the Time"

Today I woke up crying. I had a long dream which lasted years. My girlfriend was being tormented by a witch, who continuously cast curses and hexes on her. Most importantly, (to the story), this witch could turn my girlfriend into all sorts of horrific shapes and forms. We were also stalked by various creatures. (As a funny aside, one of these creatures was a group of minions, one of which whom I insulted so hard it tried to kill itself. Unfortuntely for it, minions can't die apparently.) The dream became horrifying very quickly as my girlfriend and I went shopping in this outdoor grocery store. The day turned to night and this incredibly overweight ginger man in a santa suit threw a live baby at us (he missed) and chased us to the elevators. We had to take the elevators and not the stairs because my girlfriend had been transformed to be grotesquely obese. Before the doors opened, the santa guy arrived. We stood statue still and he somehow didn't notice us and got on the elevator. As we waited for the next one, one lone shopper, shrouded in shadow, pulled a shopping cart backward and wailed. Luckily the elevator arrived quickly. Soon, I recieved news from the witch. My girlfriend was not human. She was a butterfly, transformed into a human by the witch, given mind and soul and heart, for the sole purpose of being the witches plaything. Now the witch was bored, and my girlfriend would tranform back into a butterfly, in 18 days. As butterflys have very short life spans, my girlfriend would be completely dead within a month. I was devestaded. My girlfriend, however, was happy to be free of the witches torment. She was so brave. The worst part was that I had school, and for some reason couldn't take time off, further shortening my time. On the last day, we had a picnic. Near the end, she dissolved into this beautiful bubble, glowing brightly, with thousands of beautiful colours swiring about. This soon faded, and the butterfly inside was revealed, gently flying. I kept the butterfly in my room, and when it died of old age I preserved it using pins. Thus ends my dream.

Later on in the evening I recieved news that a friend of mine, an older man, had passed away. He owned the cafe where I often played in open mics, jam nights, and even my own shows. This cafe is a bastion of the music community. Every musician that I know in Oakville I either met in this cafe, or I introduced to this cafe. This man had created a beautiful community of all ages and backgrounds. This death had made me realize how fast-paced our world is. When I was first notified, and this is hard for me to admit, I felt nothing. This was because I was in the middle of a lab report. There was too much to do. Only when I arrived home did the reality of the situation hit me and I began to cry. How many tragedies do you pass by without giving them a second thought? How many car accidents do you drive past? How many ambulances carrying patients gasping for air drive past you? 'I ain't got the time'. How many less important things do you miss? As you rush from place to place, meeting to meeting, class to class. As you finish one project only to start another one. I think that if I'm not careful, I'll miss everything.

July 24, 2023


Don't remember much of this one, except for a very important piece of advice I recieved. While swinging through a jungle, I came across a cyberpunk hologram of a bunch of webpages. In the middle sat a webpage containing a mystical blue creature. What he said to me, I thought upon waking, was the most important thing I had ever been told in my life: "The mind only knows, what the nose comprehends."

Circa 2023

Cathedral Rock

I dreamt I went to Mexico. There, I saw my childhood friend, but he was very reluctant to interact with me. I went to a record to store with my girlfriend. Next, I climbed Cathedral Rock in Arizona, and was crowned King of the Ocean. I had command over tons of ocean creatures, but this one old dolphin kept trying to sabotage my rulership.



No dream.



A pretty boring dream. Did some work at school, talked with a professor, there was potentially some weird stuff involiving a spinning item but I forget.
